
Posts Tagged ‘wlpackage’

Weblogic ant tasks

January 29, 2009 2 comments

If you are trying to use weblogic ant task you might have run into the following problem when calling the task :

Could not create task or type of type: wlcompile.

This happens because ant can’t find the classes associated with the task, to solve this include the following snippet in your build xml:

<taskdef name="wlcompile" classname="">
        <pathelement location="${weblogic.jar}"/>

Please note the classpath element, this is important or ant will not find the appropriate class files. The weblogic.jar property points towards the weblogic.jar file present in your server/lib folder.

This example is for the wlcompile task. Here are the names and classes for the other avaiable task:

  • wldeploy –
  • wlappc –
  • wlpackage –
  • wlserver –

Good place for some more info is the bea edocs site avaiable at :

Also check out Developing Applications with WebLogic Server 10.0