
Archive for May, 2010

Cygwin with Tabs using Console(and still portable)

I recently found a way to use tabs with cygwin wich reduces the clutter in your taskbar. You can easily use Console to achieve this, unfortunally the instructions around the web assume your cygwin is installed in the default manner (not portable, not using rxvt as an emulator) so those of you using my instructions to set up a portable cygwin instalation will have a hard time getting Console to work with cygwin.

To use Console just make sure to set up the shell execution path to call /bin/bash and not rxvt.

In the spirit of keeping things portable you need to do the following:

  • just edit your bat file and edit the last line:

%WD%\bin\run %WD%\bin\rxvt.exe -geometry 140×40 -sl 1500 -fn “Courier New” -bg black -fg grey -sr -e %WD%\bin\bash –login -i


%WD%\bin\bash –login -i

  • move all Console files to the cygwin folder (same folder as CygwinPortable.exe)
  • make sure the path defined in the Console settings is relative(If you have trouble doing this just edit the console.xml file by hand):

Shell: “\App\Cygwin\cygwin.bat”

Startup Dir: “.”

Console changes some of the window behavior but you can work around that by changing the settings:

  • Mark Settings>Behavior>copy on select
  • Mark Settings>Behavior>Clear selection on copy
  • Settings>Hotkeys>Select Rename Tab on the list > hit the clear button (this will make sure you can use the bash history)
  • There might be some mouse configurations i forgot that you can change.

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