
Posts Tagged ‘sudoku’

Sudoku in Emacs

February 13, 2009 Leave a comment

Emacs never ceases to amaze me. Today as i was reading an article about avid sudoku players i got the urge to play some sudoku. Since im such a geek i prefer playing sudoku in my computer or my cellphone rather than on paper, the idea poped in to my head : “it would be awesome to play some sudoku in emacs”.

So just for fun i decided to google it, and i found that someone already did a major mode to play sudoku in emacs and it even downloads new puzzles.

The following is taken from the website:

A major mode for playing sudoku puzzles on emacs. This allows you to download new puzzles from on the fly. In addition, roughly 200 puzzles are included. You can set four different levels: easy, medium, hard, and evil.

Thanks to the hard work of Lewis G. Creary, I am happy to announce a new and much improved version of sudoku.el, with numerous new features, bugfixes, and usability improvements. Please download it and let me know what you think.

Here is the link, enjoy your puzzles =D

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